Protecting Texas against Northern aggression since 1989



EAA Photograph of Stinson L-5G over Lake Winnebago, WI at EAA Airventure 2009

Honoring America's Heroes Today, for Tomorrow...

EAA Photograph of Stinson L-5G over Lake Winnebago, WI at EAA Airventure 2009

The Collection
Antique Aircraft
Classic Cars
Military Vehicles
Photo Preservation
Research Library
Vintage Advertising
Our mission here at The Stevenson Collection is to preserve and display unique pieces of American history and to educate future generations about the sacrifices made by those who came before us to ensure our continued existence as a free and independent nation.
Our Mission...
Located in Addison, Texas, The Stevenson Collection is a family-owned and maintained collection started by a father and son, Gordon and Taylor Stevenson. We specialize in antique aircraft and automotive restoration, antique militaria, vintage aircraft parts and hardware, Boy Scout memorabilia, and vintage advertising, among other passions. If it's unique, we are interested!
About Us...