Protecting Texas against Northern aggression since 1989



North American T-6G "Texan" 49-3030
- World War II U.S. Army Air Forces Liaison / Observation Aircraft
- Artillery Spotting, VIP Transport, Rescue, Observation & Light Attack Aircraft
- Lycoming O-435-11 195HP Horizontally Opposed 6-Cylinder Engine
- 1st Cavalry Division, 99th Field Artillery Battalion. Ota, Japan. 1945-1946
- EAA Airventure Oshkosh 2009 Best of Class & Silver Wrench Award Winner
- Owned By: Taylor Stevenson
Stinson L-5G "Sentinel" 45-35050

Stinson Sentinel I 42-99546 KJ405 (RAF Lend-Lease)
- World War II United Kingdom Royal Air Force (RAF) Liaison / Observation Aircraft
- One of 100 Stinson L-5s Lend-Leased to England during WWII
- Combat Veteran that served with RAF No. 194 Sqn. "The Friendly Firm" "C" Flight,
RAF No. 221 Group Communications ("C") Flight, & RAF No. 357 "Special Duties" Sqn.
- Served in India and Burma Dec. 1944 - Sept. 1945
- Dropped the Elite SOE Force 136 Covert Operatives Behind Japanese Lines
- Currently in the Early Stages of Full Restoration
- Owned By: Taylor Stevenson
Stinson L-5 "Sentinel" 42-98333
- World War II U.S. Army Air Forces Liaison / Observation Aircraft
- Lycoming O-435-1 190HP Horizontally Opposed 6-Cylinder Engine
- Stateside WWII Liaison Trainer
- 158th Liaison Squadron
- Served at Raleigh-Durham AAF, NC in 1944
- Currently In Queue for Full Restoration
- Owned By: Taylor Stevenson

- World War II U.S. Army Air Forces Liaison / Observation Aircraft
- Cockpit Section Restoration
- Completely Original with Period Radios, Gauges, Construction Techniques, etc.
- Destined to Display a Unique Piece of History... More To Come...
- Generously Obtained from Conrad Huffstutler
- Currently Undergoing a Full Restoration
- Owned By: Taylor Stevenson
Piper L-4 "Grasshopper" Cockpit

While we have many interests here at The Stevenson Collection, aviation is our number on passion. Our goal is to obtain, restore, and preserve historic aircraft from our Nation's history. Whether 600HP or 65HP, every one of our aircraft tells a story of the aviators who graced the skies before us...
Year: 1949
Year: 1945
Year: 1943
Year: 1942
Year: 1943
- World War II U.S. Army Air Forces Advanced Fighter Trainer
- Fighter, Formation, Instrument, and Gunnery Trainer
- Pratt & Whitney R1340-AN-1 600HP Wasp 9-Cylinder Radial Engine
- Tandem Seat, Dual Control, Aerobatic
- Fully Restored in 1994
- Owned By: Gordon Stevenson & Ray Kinney