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Protecting Texas against Northern aggression since 1989


North American T-6G "Texan" 49-3030 N9871C

North American T-6G Texan
Taylor Stevenson at the Lancaster, TX Fly-In 2012. Photo courtesy of Lynn Allen.

The T-6 serves as a backdrop for the hangar party at the 2012 Hondo, TX Fly-In.

Taylor Stevenson forms up on Mark Todd's wing at the 2012 Lancaster, TX Fly-In.

Low enough?
Mark Todd and Taylor Stevenson bring it in for a low pass at an undisclosed location deep in the heart of West Texas...

The T-6 at the 2012 Fredericksburg Invitational Formation Clinic in Fredericksburg, TX.

Out and about...

Two's blind!

Having fun...
Rolls over the Red River

The T-6 parked next to the P-51D "Buzzin Cuzzin" at the 2011 Fredericksburg Invitational...

Front Office...
About to takeoff.

Ready to go!
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